Meet Selfless Sikh Taxi Driver From Australia Who Cooks & Distribute 30 KG of Free Food to Homeless and Needy After His 12 hours Night Shift

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Tejinder Pal Singh has dedicated the last Sunday of the month to feeding the poor and needy locals of northern Darwin, using what little money he can save. For the past three years this Sikh guy migrant taxi who cooks up 30 kilograms of authentic Indian cuisine to feed the homeless after his night shift is being hailed ‘Australian of The Day’.

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The father of two children after grueling twelve hour night shift, he slaves away in his kitchen for five hours to prepare a veritable feast of chickpeas, rice and vegetarian curry – which he then packs into huge containers and serves as a free lunch.  Free Food By Sikh (4)

Mr Singh attributes a deep faith to his generosity, saying, ‘My religion says 10% of income goes toward needy and poor people – no matter (whether) they belong to your religion or any religion.’ and , ‘I do something for homeless people, so they get more energy so they’re happy’.Free Food By Sikh (1)

Following his fathers footsteps his son, Navdeep said,”I help my dad pour cordial for people who are thirsty, they deserve a cold drink … it’s a really hot day”Free Food By Sikh (7)

And the thirsty and hungry come flocking when they see his van, decorated with the sign, ‘Free Indian food for hungry and needy people, Provide Sikh family.’

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One thankful man said, ‘He love people, he love Aboriginal people … like God
Mr Singh ignores compliments and attributes his generosity to his Sikh faith
Tejinder Singh and his selfless family are dedicated to serving the less fortunate in their community

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